Friday 24 January 2014


To counter all this rain I'm listening to Sun by Caribou. Also: great video!

I like this mixed with Aaliyah's Rock The Boat - Tony Quattro Refix, nicely done by Toro Y Moi at his Boiler Room LA session

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Hello World

My name is Fi. I'm into music big time. When I was seven my step dad (who is/ was a DJ/producer) would record me saying dumb kid stuff and use these samples in his music. I loved all his equipment and I learnt how to use most of it between the ages of seven and twelve. I don't have much access to top-end equipment any more but I use the school stuff whenever I can book it. I guess you could call me a producer, but I'm still kind of young and not ready to show the world my stuff yet. For now I will just post all the stuff I find interesting. 

 That is all I'm going to say about my step dad or the music he or I make, at least for the time being.

I'm going to start the blog with a few tracks that I like

Scroobius Pip is my favourite poet

classic! Sam Jam Dance n Chant

generally a big Jamie xx fan and Gorillaz too

If anyone's got any recommendations on music or movies they think I'd like based on what I post, let me know!